
Posts Tagged ‘Rome’

Rome has a new mayor. Equal opportunities, egual rights, for all: finally!

“Rome will return to take care of its citizens, and will listen to them.
I feel a very strong commitment and will practice speaking directly with the Romans, out of the building, to raise the critical issues in the field and find solutions together. Because Rome has to find a soul, a spirit of community.

A soul that today Rome does not have.
I’ll give it everything. I’m already working to build my team on the basis of merit, transparency and competence. And to fix the first objectives of my program achievable in the first 100 days.
We will do everything to get back to Rome we love.
Our city will return to dream and to hope.
Rome will return to being international.”

Born in Genoa, at age 14 he moved with his family to Rome. Ignazio Marino, the new mayor of Rome, before becoming a politician was a surgeon who specializes in organ transplants. He graduated in medicine and surgery to ‘Università Cattolica,  and began to Policlinico Gemelli.

In the early eighties, to specialize, he studied first in England, at Cambridge, and then in the USA at the University of Pittsburgh, world center of excellence for transplants.

roma1In 1993 he became Co-Director of Centro Trapianti del “Veterans Affairs Medical Center”, the only department for liver transplants belonging to the Government of the United States. He wanted to import in Italy the skills acquired during the American experience, in 1999 he helped found, then directing it, the’ISMETT, the multi organ transplant center in Palermo. In July 2001 he performed the first organ transplant in Italy on an HIV-positive patient. The intervention sparked much debate and criticism, but thanks to it, the patient still enjoys an excellent quality of life and has opened a new therapeutic option in Italy for patients with HIV.


He has directed the Department of the Jefferson Medical College in Philadelphia where they were joined, for liver transplantation, survival highest found in the United States. For this he was awarded the lifetime title of Professor of Surgery.

In 2006, he finally returned to Rome, creating a desire he felt for a long time: to live again in the city he loved most in the world. He decided to run for the Senate as an independent, and has been elected from the ranks of the Democratic Party. In the most important party of center-left. He began his political work also seeking to ensure that Italy’s development of a law on living wills. Wanting to assess merit and research, obtained the creation of a fund – Financial approved in two different laws – intended for young researchers evaluated by a committee of scientists under the age of 40. In the general elections of 2008 was re-nominated and re-elected senator. In the legislature that has just ended was president of the  Commissione parlamentare d’inchiesta sull’efficacia e l’efficienza del Servizio Sanitario Nazionale.

LogoRomaCaputMundiIn Rome, he faced difficulties in practice often in dramatic hospitals with no budget, hospitals at risk of closure and with a competent staff made precarious by the block in turnover. He denounced the intolerable conditions in the waiting rooms of emergency, such as the square of the Policlinico Umberto I (recently closed), where nurses, doctors and technicians are forced to work in unacceptable conditions. He collected reports of centers of excellence for rehabilitation at risk of not being able to assist people with disabilities, seniors and their families.Was able to check the status of health facilities Italian defending the right of patients to receive quality care and services, contributing to the closure of psychiatric hospitals judicial, real criminal asylums of which we have denounced the degradation.

For the new Mayor, politics is just that: listen to people, engage every day for the good of all, offer their expertise to protect the core values ​​that make us equal, with equal rights and hold it together our community.

Roma suffer: they have lost the sense of community and ethics, organization and services, innovation and productive force.

MEDICI con Marino

Marino dreams instead a city that works, with a transparent management, which makes the lives of people who live easier, safer, faster. An international city which multiplies the opportunities for all.

The Marino dream is of a city that has no fear. A city that defends and promotes women, the gay. A city that attracts, which grows in an ethical, intelligent and environmentally friendly, which gives new value to the cultural dynamism, which will resume its rightful role in the world.

Marino wish a friendly city, capable of speaking citizens, tourists, pilgrims and students protected, but a city available to boost solidarity, which helps those who are most vulnerable, who can be suitable for children and rediscover the taste of smile on the street.

In Rome need to build our international ambition, dedication and care need, need moral integrity. And they serve commitment, enthusiasm and determination.

Rome needs of all his energy, innovative ideas and desire to work, all the help big or small that everyone will want to give.

With Marino will be many: all those who love Rome and who wish to contribute to a historic turning point for the city, not to let them win again the same old logic of power and party affiliation: Marino with everyone hopes that at Rome will end the era of privileges and favors and begin that of the rights and possibilities.


Sicilia, the day after….

Solo un partito in estinzione come il Pdl può attribuire il disastro, nell’isola del 61-0 del 2001, alle ultime mattane del Cainano dal bunker (uguali a quelle dell’ultimo ventennio), o viceversa ad Alfano (che non è mai esistito). E solo un simpatico guascone come Crocetta (che ha subito dichiarato che ha vinto il rinnovamento e la buona politica, ovvero lui e i partiti che lo hanno appoggiato) , unitamente ad un povero illuso come Bersani possono usare aggettivi come “storico” e “rivoluzionario” per definire il risultato del duo Pd-Udc.

Che, in realtà, è il classico sorpasso in retromarcia: contro un Pdl fermo in panne, bastava una lumaca per superarlo. Nel 2008 il centrodestra di Lombardo si pappava la Sicilia col 65%.  Perché, sia chiaro, oggi Crocetta diventa governatore col 31%: la stessa percentuale che quattro anni fa portò la Finocchiaro a perdere rovinosamente contro Lombardo. Senza contare che i voti sono molti di meno, visto che allora votò il 66% e domenica ha votato il 47% degli aventi diritto (e nel 53% dei non votanti ci sono anche i voti della mafia, che notoriamente si astiene e sta a guardare in attesa di una nuova trattativa).

Chi vince chi perde davvero in SiciliaMa non finisce qui. Se poi si guarda dentro le coalizioni, difatti, si scopre che non crolla solo il Pdl, che nel 2008 riscosse il 33,5% e ora latita al 12. Ma precipita anche il Pd, sceso in quattro anni dal 22 (Pd+lista civica Finocchiaro) al 13,5. E calano anche l’Udc (dal 12,5 al 10,6) e Sel (dal 4,9 di Rita Borsellino al 3 di Fava, il candidato migliore, escluso per un pasticcio burocratico). Solo l’Idv, paradossalmente, raddoppia i consensi, dall’1,8 al 3,5: ma è una magra consolazione, visto che lo sbarramento per accedere all’Assemblea siciliana è al 5.

Ecco, a guardare bene cosa è successo basterebbe indicare le percentuali di consenso che  i singoli partiti sono riusciti a raggranellare in una elezione dove più della metà degli aventi diritto sono restati addirittura a casa.  Tra i maggiori partiti, il PD è crollato del 49% (quindi si è dimezzato), il PDL si è ridotto a meno di un terzo crollando del 73%, mentre l’UDC si è mangiata il 38 % dei consensi. Il M5S invece è aumentato del 512%.

Dunque di “storico” nel voto siciliano c’è soltanto il tracollo dei partiti, tutti i partiti: cioè dei responsabili del disastro dell’isola, governata nell’ultimo ventennio prima dal centrodestra e poi dall’inciucio Micciché-Pd-Fli-Udc, dunque tecnicamente fallita. E ora i padri di quel disastro incalcolabile torneranno al potere, nascosti dietro la faccia pulita e antimafia, ma spregiudicata di Crocetta, che non ha esitato ad allearsi con gli amici di Cuffaro e ora, per governare, dovrà chiedere il permesso o a Micciché (l’amico di Dell’Utri e Lombardo) o a Musumeci (il nerissimo amico di B.), visto che M5S non appoggia nessuno. Né sottobanco né sopra. Leggi tutto…